As I am frequently asked by kith and kin for helping them with their computer "problems" I was since a long time looking for a good tool to resolve such small software problems over the internet. First I thought that maybe ThighVNC might be the solution but the problem there was that it is difficult or impossible to establish a connection through firewalls and routers (maybe there is a way but I was not able to do it). A day when I surfed around I found this tool which aims to "give your desktop wings". I read some comments about the programm and almost everywhere people said that this tool is the simplest remote desktop tool available and, the most important thing, it works through firewalls and routers. The best news is that there is a free version available which according to a member of TeamViewer does not lack any feature compared to commercial versions.
About the usage:
Both parties have to install the software. The application provides for this an invitation e-mail which can be sent to the other person with the download link for the tool. After the successful installation both have to start the tool and the person who sits in front of the computer which is going to be remotely controlled tells the other person the ID and the password. The person who is going to access the desktop of the other computer enters the provided data and a secure connection is established. After that you can work with the other computer as if you were sitting in front of it.
Another possibility is to install the tool as a windows service and use a predefined password which basically "eliminates" the need of someone sitting in front of the remote computer. For the ID I noticed during my tests that it is always the same for a computer so this is no problem.
TeamViewer provides additionally a chat which unfortunately has a small bug. Every time when you are typing and the other person sends you a message the cursor of the chat is set to the first position and if you don't see it you write there. This is not very handy and this bug is already known to the TeamViewer crew and will be fixed soon. Additionally it provides a tool to send files and folders but I did not try it out.
I can only suggest this tool for people who need frequently to help other persons with computer problems or also for other purposes requiring a remote access to a computer. As the TeamViewer crew told me there are no time limitations for the usage of the tool.
Related links:
TeamViewer Homepage
Another possibility is to install the tool as a windows service and use a predefined password which basically "eliminates" the need of someone sitting in front of the remote computer. For the ID I noticed during my tests that it is always the same for a computer so this is no problem.
TeamViewer provides additionally a chat which unfortunately has a small bug. Every time when you are typing and the other person sends you a message the cursor of the chat is set to the first position and if you don't see it you write there. This is not very handy and this bug is already known to the TeamViewer crew and will be fixed soon. Additionally it provides a tool to send files and folders but I did not try it out.
I can only suggest this tool for people who need frequently to help other persons with computer problems or also for other purposes requiring a remote access to a computer. As the TeamViewer crew told me there are no time limitations for the usage of the tool.
Related links:
TeamViewer Homepage
It is a great and handy software!
But if I can control the other PC without a person sitting over there would be even greater!
Hi Manfred,
thanks a lot from our crew at TeamViewer for evaluating our software and the positive judgement.
The little chat problem is known and will soon be fixed :)
By the way: We don´t have any limitations at all in TeamViewer. The software doesn´t lack any feature compared to the commercial version and also has NO session time limit at all!
@fenglu: You can control unattended Pcs with the free TeamViewer. For this purpose please install the full version of Teamviewer as service (start with Windows) and do a reboot. After that you will be able to access this machine even if nobody sits in front.
Thank you very much! If it works, that will be great! I'll try it out when I go back home!
nice to have some comments on my post :-)
@Constantin: if you are on the way to fix the chat problem, that are very good news, because with this bug it is not very handy.
Regarding the limit; that is even better if there is no limit, I will edit my post :-)
@TeamViewer crew: big compliments for this very very useful tool. I like it a lot and I recommend it to my friends.
I couldn't install TeamViewer v3.0 [Build 3631] so I installed TeamViewer v2.44 [English] instead.
This file is unavailable.
Also TeamViewer says that "DynGate not running", I still don't know how to use still connection. :-(
Hello fenglu,
yes because you have the wrong link:) That´s the right one:
With that Dyngate should run!
Why isn´t the installation of TV 3 not working? Do you receive any error messages?
I don't know why TV doesn't work. Also there is no error message at all. The installer just doesn't run.
I've tried to close the anti virus and the anti-spam software and also rebooted the operating system. But it's no use.
I'll try it again when I go back home. :-) Thank you!
BTW: The software address is given by
the installer as soon as I installed the TV in my disk(the browser automatically be opened)
I tried search within teamviewer.com, but I couldn't find the software of Dyngate.
It must be the problem of my computer.
Because I can install TeamViewer version 3 successfully in the remote PC station.
If you need to use version 2 of TV then please go to the TV webpage and download Dyngate here:
You just have to execute it and it should work instantly!
Did you try our latest release TeamViewer 3 [Build 3631]? If this doesn´t work you have to check if you have the latest Windows updates (service packs) on your machine.
Thank you very much!
I do have service pack 2 installed in my Windows XP.
Because I can't install version 3 in my computer, I installed version 2 instead.
I tried to connect to my computer using TeamViewer portable, but it says the version in my partner which is my computer is too low.
Is there a vision of TeamViewer portable which can connect to my computer of version 2 TeamViewer?
Hi there,
sorry to get back so late to you. TeamViewer of course also offers the TV Portable for the USB Stick in version 2.
Here is the link for all version 2 software: http://www.teamviewer.com/download/dyngate.aspx
I have installed on Win 2000 server .While connecting to another system giving error saything that authentication failed
@constantin: Thank you very much! :-)
You are welcome fenglu!
@chandu: Please go sure that you entered the correct password. This message only says that you are not authorised to enter the partners computer, because of the used password.
I just found the TV software yesterday by doing a Google search and so far I really like it. I did some testing and everything I tried worked correctly except one thing. When I try to disable remote input on a Vista machine the setting would not take. I was using an XP machine. The setting worked fine when I controlled an XP machine. Also the black screen option was not available.
I want to know..How fast TeamViewer is for transfer of file....and can Teamviewer work on Dial-Up connections?
thanks for your questions.
TeamViewer also works on dial-up connections. The file transfer is fast but mainly depends on your bandwidth. Just try it out!
If the connection should get lost during the file transfer and you restart it again TeamViewer will check what had been transfered already and only transfer the rest.
i have a problem on team viewer whenever i try to connect to another pc its says authetication failed even if the password is correct plz help me i have latest version of teamviewer
if you have a predefined password please check if you wrote it correctly as the passwords are case sensitive. Take the automatic generated password to try out if it works with this.
HI This is kiran from Hyderabad , can i Know about Team Viewer Software but what exactly it do.could you send my mail id .Is it sent only data or images to remote computer?
Hello kiran,
I don't exactly get what you mean; but Team Viewer is an application to connect to a remote computer (you see its desktop) and perform operations on that computer. As far as I know you transfer any kind of file.
hi, i am vishal i install team viewer 4 trial version but when its trial time ouver i install new team viewer but not working.
pl help
heey please help me fast!!!! I have used teamviwer ... for three times to install something // and now my friend wrotes with some kaypads .... just digits... how can I fix that problem and help her to wrote letters ... ?? pls help meee
first of all I would like to make clear that I am not a Team Viewer Expert; I simply did some testing with it and wrote a post...
But anyway if someone needs help and I am able to help I do so.
Could you please describe your problem a bit better because I do not understand what you mean!?
well , I enetered on my friends com[uter to install to her something , and now she told me that some of her keys didin't write letters ... the keypads write noumbers .. what can I doo or what can she do ???
but ... it happened something ... before her kaypads were wroting npumbers, I tryed to send a file ... and she closed teamviewer and after that her keypads were wroting noubers
all 3 and this Is mine , oh yeah My name is matei , and I ma from romania ....
Hi there,
this should be solved if you just deactivate the Num Lock on the laptop. Probably the person hit it so the numbers (mostly in blue characters on the same key) are displayed instead of the letters.
TeamViewer GmbH Germany
team viewer is not working smoothly.It works for only about 30 secs and says session expired. Or it fails to connect showing error message protocol negotiation failed with a red cross?
I dont know if there is any solution?
team viewer is not working smoothly.It works for only about 30 secs and says session expired. Or it fails to connect showing error message protocol negotiation failed?
I dont know if there is any solution?
so iv been using TV for ages now , I help all my family (and they need it ,lol ) but i have noticed that often after some time of use it kinda locks up ! i can see the window and my partners window but can not control it. I close TV and restart it , make the connection again but as soon as i click one mouse click on the remote screen it locks up again.
Im not sure if it's anything to do with my internet connection as at peek time i get an abysmal service.
I was wondering if there was some kind of time limit on the free ver, if not then i donno whats wrong?
Hello greg,
In the free version is no time limit.
I hope I can help you with your problem:
You have to deactivate the UDP in your TeamViewer-Options.
Click on extras -> options -> advanced -> Network: Enable UDP
Usually the connection should not lock up again.
I am also having a problem, it's simply not activating even when all my firewalls are temporarily down. Any suggestions? :)
I am using a mac and trying to connect to my girlfriends computer and she is running windows vista. The two computers won't connect and I don't know why. I have connected to my windows based computer before through my mac so I know that isn't the problem I am getting and error code. "Partner did not connect to router Error Code: WaitforConnectFailed"
ANy ideas? I am using new team viewer but not the newest 5 beta
Thanks for any help
I am getting black screen instead of remote users pc desktop. Also in file transfer section there is not response. While connecting to others Team Viewer is giving full functionality.
How can I correct this black screen problem ? We at all places have TV-5.
Using TV5, I can remotely control my MIL's pc, but neither chat nor voice over ip will work. I click the drop down menu, but nothing happens. Any advice?
Hi everyone,
It's much easier to identify problems if you get directly in touch with us at TeamViewer.
@gwilki: Please go sure that you use on both sides TV 5. All involved PCs should be Windows PCs as this functionality is not available for Macs yet.
If you have speakers, mic and webcam ready everything should work fine. Just check if there is an amplitude for the mic if you enable VoIP.
TeamViewer Germany
@falcoianu: just curious... where does teamviewer was developed??
TeamViewer is developed in Germany.
TeamViewer GmbH
To access the distant TeamViewer if a screen saver is on should work again with the latest version.
Please go sure that you have TeamViewer running as system service if the remote PC is unattended. By that you can also control the Windows login screen.
TeamViewer GmbH
Hi Constantin! I am having the same issue as Abbas. I would like to have access to my work pc when I am at home. The issue I am having is that my work pc has a password protected screen saver. With Team Viewer running on both sides, I am able to log into my work pc but all I see is a black screen. I have no control over anything - so I am unable to log into my work pc since I have no way of entering the password. How can I resolve this issue? Thank you for your help!
It shouldn't cause any problems to connect with TeamViewer to a desktop where a password protected screensaver is enabled.
Please go sure these things are given:
- On the remote computer (in your office) with the screensaver TeamViewer runs as a system service "Start TeamViewer with Windows"
- TeamViewer is available in the latest version 5.0 8081 on both sides
Thanks for a great product! I can use this through the company firewall and control my pc at home. I see there is a app for iPhones....any plans to make this available for BlackBerry in the near future?
Hi Abri,
Not yet but we know about the importance of BlackBerry OS. If it should point out that there is a lot of demand for it the chances won't be too bad ;)
Hi Constantin,
I'm having the "WaitForConnectFailed" error code and I don't know what is the cause of it. I tryed allowing the teamviewer in my firewall (Windows XP SP3 Firewall) and in my router, but none of them solved the problem.
Best Regards,
Hi André,
Thanks for your feedback. The error you described is something which our technicians are looking for at the moment and which happens randomly.
With the next TeamViewer update it should be solved. This will presumably come out in the course of next week.
Hope I was able to help you. If you follow us at Twitter you should receive the info about the update promptly: http://twitter.com/teamviewer
TeamViewer GmbH
I had the same problem on getting "WaitforConnectFailed" message. Can't figure out what's wrong. Waiting for the fix from TeamViewer team.
Unfortunately we do not have the update by now. Seems that it will take a little bit longer then previously thought.
Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
TeamViewer GmbH
I am having the same "Waitforconnect failed" message issue. Its only affecting one of my home computers, which is wierd. Any ETA on the fix Constantin?
Me too :( seems to have the famous waitforconnectfailed error. Hope you guys work your magic soon. I am a great admirer of your work.
Keep up the great job.
God Bless,
Hi there,
All I can say at the moment is that we at TeamViewer are working on the "waitforconnect failed" error. As soon as we have a new version out we also will communicate it.
I will keep you updated.
Constantin Falcoianu
I see there is a new version of teamviewer! does this fix the waitforConnectdfailed issue people are talking about? I see it too...
Hi there,
The version which came out yesterday is an update for the TeamViewer Manager. It doesn't fix the "wait for connect" problem.
Constantin Falcoianu
Teamviewer is a great software. i am using it from last one month. I didn't face any problem. Just now firsttime i got the error 'partner did not connect to router. Errorcode:WaitforConnectFailed' on connecting my another PC. Can anyone know the reason why it is happening and how it can be resolved.
Have the same problem with reconnect - but did not have this problem with xp on the pc. I installed Windows 7 and teamviewer in a new version at the same time, so I dont know if it is Windows 7 or Teamviewer that are causing the failure. Rebooting on host machine helps, but I can only connect once.
Hi Søren,
The described problem with reconnecting is most likely caused by a known windwos 7 issue (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2005467). Our development department is already in contact with Microsoft, so we hope that we will be able to offer a proper solution, soon.
Best regards,
Inga Kottmann
TeamViewer Germany
I have teamviewer installed on 2 pcs next to each other which are themselves networked. I was able up to last night to access both remotely. Now I can only access one, but when I try to do remote support n the other it just hangs on authentication - it says authenticating but does not show the password window.
From the first machine I can see the files of the second machine so its on & connected to the network. I tried opening temaviwer in PC1 to link me to PC2 but same thing.
Any suggestions?
I have teamviewer installed on 2 pcs next to each other which are themselves networked. I was able up to last night to access both remotely. Now I can only access one, but when I try to do remote support to the other it just hangs on authentication - it says authenticating but does not bring up the password window.
From the first machine I can see the files of the second machine so its on & connected to the network. I even tried opening temaviwer in PC1 to link me to PC2 but same thing.
Any suggestions?
I have 2 desktops, one running ubuntu and the other windows (vista). i have installed teamviewer 5 on both. they seem unable to connect to each other. i tried connecting the linux (ubuntu) pc to another ubuntu (my laptop), it worked fine, and windows to windows(to my friends pc) worked well too. but is this some bug, and how should i go about it?
thanks a ton
Normally TeamViewer works fine between two different operating systems. Do you get any error message? Can you please send us this error message (if available) and your log-files to support@teamviewer.com. So our supporters can check and solve your problem.
TeamViewer Germany
Good news for all who have the "WaitForConnectFailed" problem:
This morning we released a new TeamViewer version. Using this version the problem should be fixed. If anybody have the problem nevertheless, please contact our support-team via email (support@teamviewer.com) with high priority. We will fix it asap.
Best regards,
TeamViewer Germany
Having the "WaitForConnect" issue..Installed the program yesterday (June/30)..I began having the problem inmediately while i was testing, but rebooting fixed the problem..
Until i actually tried to access the computer while i'm on the move..And again, the WaitForConnect problem :-/..The web service is there, as i can see using http://[my ip address].I have sent an email to support with my log attached, as mentioned..Hope it helps..
Thanks, we appreciate it very much that you help us to improve TeamViewer.
Hope you will soon have a satisfying feedback regarding this issue.
I'm also experiencing the same WaitforConnectFailed problem in one computer running Windows XP.
I'd like to do my bit toward resolving that issue. I don't know if it matters but I think it could.
The thing is than although I can't connect using TeamViewer id I still can connect using IP address.
Hi Carlos,
This issue should be resolved now in almost all cases. If you still receive the error, then please send us your logfiles.
This is the best way for our support to help you.
I also experience waitfor connect failed. After reboot it work fine for about 20 min, after that the next time I try to connect I get the error.
Till this problem appeared was the best software in it's category on the market.
Thanks for your feedback.
We are currently working on a fix. Until that you can always send us in your logfile which would help us to speed things up.
A final fix for the "WaitForConnectFailed" error just came out. You do not need to do an update for it.
If anybody should still encounter difficulties with this type of error, please let me know.
I am using Teamviewer version 5.0.8703 free licence for non commercial use. When i try to connect with other PC over internet, i get error *waitforconnectfailed*.
Hi TG,
Thanks for your comment. Did you try to close and restart TeamViewer on both computers?
We had a fix for it this week, which should solve all problems. If you still encounter this error please use support@teamviewer.com to send in your logfiles from both PCs.
i'm also meet black screen when i connect pc partner. i can use file transfer function on tab menu, but i can not see anything. I dont know why.
is the reason difference resolution between 2 pc?
two different resolutions should be no problem.
- Do you use TeamViewer as a system service? Please restart TeamViewer and try it again.
- Do you connect also via RDP at the same time? Is this session minimized? Please close this session or maximize your desktop on the remote machine.
If these suggestions will not work, please contact our Support-Team (support@teamviewer.com) and they will find a solution.
Best regards Inga
TeamViewer Germany
Is there a file limatation when sending files between two computers?
One runs XP and the other Windows 7both using non commercial TeamViewer 5
Hi there,
No we do not have any limitation for file transfer neither in the free nor in the commercial version.
Constantin Falcoianu
TeamViewer Germany
Hi and congratulations for the very explanatory blog..!
i have a weird problem with TV5.
Both pc's have the latest version installed.I have connected several times from my pc to partner's pc.From one connection and there after (for example 9th connection,it can be 4th or 12th it's random i think),i open TV5 on my pc,press button "Connect to Partner" for remote support,i get the message at the down left corner "Secured session activated.All data traffic is encrypted" and nothing else happens!
the only thing i can do is abort the connection.
if i go to partner's pc close TV5 and open it again,i can connect just fine from my pc.
PC's are in different sites and networks and TV5 is installed as service.
Thanks in advance for your reply!
Hi Stelios,
If you should encounter such a behaviour once again please note the exact date and time when this happened and send us the logfiles from the client (and more important!) from the host computer.
Once again please go sure that you have the latest available version 5.1.9290 on both PCs installed.
TeamViewer Germany
Hi Constantin,
seems that the problem was at the remote host PC.
CPU was "locked" at 100% usage so i couldn't see the authentication window once the connection was made and i thought it was a problem with TV5.
Thanks for your reply,
Best regards
Pretty disappointed in TeamViewer. My customer has the host set up. I can log in for about 30 secs, then receive this message: "The screen cannot be captured at the moment. This is probably due to fast user switching or a disconnected/minimized Remote Desktop session." Useless message. No info on Teamviewer website. I can retry multiple times but never works. If my customer resets, I can get about another 30 secs. Very frustrating. Oddly, the file transfer menu seems to work (at least it loads...I haven't tried to xfer a file while the screen is not able to be visible.)
Hi there,
Thanks for your feedback. You mean the message is useless because it is NOT the case that you are doing a fast user switching or have parallely a RDP session to that computer?
If you can exclude the both things mentioned in the error message you are welcomed to send your logfiles to our support in order to check what is going on.
Constantin Falcoianu
TeamViewer Germany
Hi All,
"Waitforconnectfailed" still persists also after update to version 5.1.9385 on both computer and on both computer restarted teamviewer.
I have sent a support ticket.
Problems happens both on Win 7 x86 and x64 with commercial and non commercial licenses.
Log file potential error place:
9104 5844 S0 GWS.ConnectToRemote.Connected.StartThread
9104 8144 S0 CT92 CT.Run
8684 9372 G1 CLoginClient::NegotiateVersionClient()
9104 8524 S0 CT90 CT.Run
9104 8524 S0 CT90 TM.TM_TV
9104 8144 S0 CT92 TM.TM_GWout
9104 8144 S0 CT92 CT.Receive.CMD_NOPARTNERCONNECT From=0 To=******* L=0
9104 8144 S0 CT92 CT.Receive.CMD_DISCONNECT From=0 To=****** L=4
9104 8144 S0 CT92 CT.Run.LoopEnd
9104 8144 S0 CT92 CT.Disconnect
For ALL that face the black screen problem when TVing remote desktops.
On the client PC, make sure the remote desktop window is NOT Minimized. Make sure it is maximized, if it is minimized, you see black screen.
Hope it helps,
My problem with Teamviewer is that I get a "Secure session established" message but no view of target site, program appears to be hung up. I suspected something was wrong when I clicked on "Connect to partner" and the password ID box did ot pop up. I have tried to store it or the past few days with no luck. Any ideas on how to restore my connection?
Hi JC,
Does the problem still persist? If yes which versions do you use? Please try to do an update to the latest stable version 5 or even try out the version 6 beta which has been released recently.
Here is the link to the new version 6 beta: http://www.teamviewer.com/download/tv6.aspx
TeamViewer Germany
Yes, problem still exists. Logged in tonight,; login screen indicated target site the online. When I selected 'Connect to partner', the message came up saying 'Secure session activated', but no display of target site.
Just loaded v6 beta...same results, no target display.
@JC, Please see the comment of Stelios above. When the remote pc hang or the remote TV itself hang then the situation arises that you said.
Hi JC,
Thanks for trying that out with version 6. A lot of problems can be solved by just updating the software.
Can you please send us your logfiles to support[@]teamviewer[dot]com? It's just possible for us to really have a deeper look if we have the logfiles of you and the remote PC.
TeamViewer Germany
Same problem here! I get a secure session activated comment but the target window does not appear. I am really stuck.
By the way, great software! many thanks.
Hi. I am trying out the android version with the beta teamviewer 6 on my galaxy tab. Works fine but i could not see my mouse on my tablet but its working. The pointer appears only when i mouse over links on webpage on my remote. Same issue on my iphone. Appreciate any sound advice.
also for your problem applies that we are not able to have a look at it if we do not have your logfiles. Please send them to us and you'll receive a feedback on that.
TeamViewer Germany
Yes, the recent problem does exist. I'm using the latest version of TV 6.0.9895. Looks like remote session has been established by status message, but no session window appears as well as password window does not pop up as it should.. So I lost control on remote PC.
I installed TV6 before major win XP updates from Microsoft were downloaded and installed, just after fresh OS reinstallation. Remote PC has no login pass set.
Constantin if you don't mind posting an e-mail address here I would send u a log file to track the problem.
Hi there,
Please send your logfiles to support[at]teamviewer[dot]com. Go sure that you send us both logfiles (from client and host).
TeamViewer Germany
Client log sent, I'm not sure when I get a chance to take logs from the host.
I have been using teamviewer for awhile now and it works well. However, now when I connect to the remote computer if it is locked, when I enter the windows password (I am positive it is correct) I get an incorrect password message and cannot log in to the windows session. If I connect while the system is not locked everything works fine
TeamViewer can absolutely cope with your claim. It works as follows:
1) In TeamViewer you type in ID and TeamViewer password of the remote computer.
2) If you are not automatically logged in you see the Ctrl+Alt+Del window.
3) There you can log in via TeamViewer with the correct credentials to the computer.
If you receive an error message from Windows it is probably because the password is not correct. Please go sure that you first connect through TeamViewer by using ID and password from TeamViewer and then you log in to your user account with the MS user data.
TeamViewer GmbH
I connect fine to the computer and see the windows login screen. IT is then that I get the incorrect password. I know it is correct because when I enter it at the keyboard it works fine
The message which you receive then is from Windows that the password is not correct as you are already in the TeamViewer session.
If you can connect to the other PC properly via TeamViewer your keystrokes are probably sent correctly to the remote machine.
Do password and username correspond?
Did you try to type in the password in an editor and copy it to the distant computer via clipboard?
TeamViewer Germany
I have set up 2 PC both with team viewer 6.0.9947, PC(A) is set unattended, for the first day, everything worked fine. I left PC(A) and PC(B) connected while transferring file over night.
Next morning, it appears the files transfer successfully, but it appears the remote control window is no longer there.
So i attempt to reconnect to PC(A), but all I get was the message:
"Secured session activated. All data traffic is encrypted."
and nothing else.
So I used the web based version to log in to see if i was able to connect, but it would just "stuck" on the message of "connecting to partner"
The problem is that PC(A) is locked away in a room where no one can physically access for another month, so it wont be possible to restart teamviewer on it...
anyone else got this problem?
please help
@JON4TH4N: Sounds peculiar. We would need your logfiles (both) in order to examine what happened.
Did you have TeamViewer start directly with Windows (as system service) on the host side?
TeamViewer Germany
thank you for attempting to help, unfortunately, I will not be able to accomplished that until another 3 weeks when I am able to physically unlock the room where the host is located.
hello! hope you can help me as i'm encountering "protocol negotiation failed" when i try to connect to PC-A from PC-B. connecting to PC-B from PC-A works fine.
installed on both PCs the latest TV6 as windows service with permanent password for unattended access. PC-B can connect to PC-A but after restarting, i'm prompted for a password which is apparently not the password i set as the permanent one.
hope someone can help me. thanks.
Hello Anonymous,
The password which you predefine in TeamViewer for permanent remote access will always stay fix. If you set up TeamViewer like this you have two passowrds a fix one and a dynamic one which changes after each reboot. Maybe you take the one which you see on TeamViewer - this one is not the permanent password.
Hope this solves the problem!
TeamViewer Germany
Hi Constantin! Thanks for your response. I discovered that I encounter the "protocol negotiation failed" because the permanent password in PC-A is not saved after rebooting the PC. I'm confused now why the changes in Options revert back to default after the PC is restarted. Help me please. Thanks.
Hi, I'm currently experiencing freezing on the Teamviewer application whenever i start it up. I've never had this issue before, as i've used v5.0 on this machine. I was assisting a friend, and i started it up, but it froze (Not Responding). Thinking i needed an update, i visited the website, sure enough, v6 was there, so i downloaded and installed. But no go, same issue.
The only previous change i can think of was my upgrade of Microsoft Security Essentials to v2.0 from v1.xx.
My OS is Windows 7
Hi all,
Hope you had a good start into 2011.
@Anonymous: Sorry for the late reply. If you reboot the other PC through TeamViewer (during the session press "Actions"->"Remote Reboot" TeamViewer will remember the old session password. If you do it through Windows then this is not possible to memorize for TeamViewer and the password will change.
@AzmoD3uS: This isn't a known problem and shouldn't happen at all. Seems to be related to something else on your sysem. Please send your logfiles to our support so that we can have a look at them.
TeamViewer Germany
Hi All,
I have being using TV for a long time now and since a few days back i am not able to connect to the PC i usually connect to. It give me a "protocol negotiation failed" message, pls could you advise me on this. PS firewall and others are normal and had not been changed as i was using it before.
I will be sending you logfiles asap. The problem is same as mentioned twice above except that I am seeing it with latest version (6+) installed on both machines as Win startup service. The problem is this:
1) PC A (local) to PC B (remote) connection is established. It could be remote support or file transfer.
2) The connection gets terminated because of connectivity loss on A (router restart, weak signal, etc).
3) At this point,attempting to reconnect (after resuming connectivity) hangs at "Secure session activated. All data traffic is encrypted."
4) Nothing on A seems to help. Only way to establish connection seems to be a restart on B.
The trigger condition might be A trying to reconnect with a different IP while B remaining unaware that A is no longer available at previous IP.
I absolutley love TV. Its a great product.
I am having a problem with one remote computer, which intermittently prevents a connection. I think it may be a hardware or people problem.
How can you tell if the Internet has been lost at remote computer. Is there a different indication if the computer has been turned off or the ethernet cable just removed?
Does slow speed issues at remote site potentially also cause the not able to connect problem?
I think the employees at other end of connection may be deliberately causing issues, but am not sure.
The various error reported are:
1. Remote computer is offline is reported but remote site says it is connected.
2. A connecton to the requested partner could not be established.
Please check TeamViewer and the Internet conneciton on your partner's computer.
3. Error Code: WaitforConnectFailed
WAIT about a half hour or so and everything works again.
Through TeamViewer you can't really find out what exactly on the other side caused the problem. Below I have a couple of possbile explanations.
Also with slow speed you should be able to connect, depending of course how slow (e.g. 56k should work).
For the errors:
1. Remote computer is offline is reported but remote site says it is connected.
-> When you just loose connection on one side and you don't get notified you get notified that the connection is lost. Just try to reconnect in that case - session password is stored by default, so you are just two clicks away from a new session.
2. A connecton to the requested partner could not be established.
Please check TeamViewer and the Internet conneciton on your partner's computer.
-> This could be a lot of different things e.g. remote computer is not on or in hibernation, internet doesn't work, TeamViewer is not started, etc. TeamViewer can't know what happend on the other side but can indicated that it's not possible to reach the partner.
3. Error Code: WaitforConnectFailed
-> This is something caused when TeamViewer is not running properly. We would need your logfiles to examine that.
Hope these explanations help a bit to isolate the problem.
TeamViewer Germany
Since upgrading to version 6 I see this at least one a week
Protocol negotiation failed. Please try again!
Sometimes it can be solved by restarting Teamviewer on the remote computer, sometimes the remote computer needs to be rebooted.
Hi RandyM,
Thanks for your feedback on this matter. We are working on it and it seems we'll be able to present a first fix pretty soon.
Please follow us on twitter or subscribe to our newsfeed to get the latest information on TeamViewer.
Twitter: http://twitter.com/teamviewer
Newsfeed: http://feeds.teamviewer.com/company/newsfeed.aspx
Thanks for your comprehension!
TeamViewer Germany
Why do I keep getting this "The screen cannot be captured at the moment..." error message? What does "fast user switching" mean? As for a "disconnected/minimized RD session," should I understand that after you've finished your RDP session you won't be able to use TeamViewer unless you reboot?
The black screen will come up if there was any previous RDP-connection and TeamViewer is not running as a Windows service.
If one user is logged in via RDP and the RDP-window is minimized, the RDP-clients send the command to the server to minimize the desktop, too, so TeamViewer can not get show the desktop because there simply isn't any open desktop.
Check if there is a minimized RDP-window on your remote PC. After closing or maximize this window you do not get the error message again.
Regards Inga, TeamViewer Germany
I got my friend to use TV and we are both happy with the product. He recently upgraded to IE8 on the local XP machine, and now when he connects to the remote computer - he shows connected, but the screen never shows the remote PC. The hour glass is shown.
Is there a setting in IE8 that must be changed? (Went from IE6 to IE8)
Do you use TeamViewer full version on both sides or TeamViewer Web Connector?
Is there a black screen (no application is shown) or only the IE is not shown?
Inga, TeamViewer Germany
I have LAN connected this way:
1. Remote Desktop --> Bridge --> Router. (Arrow means phisical LAN connection).
2. Local Laptop.
The Bridge is actually a LAN/WLAN Router configured as a Bridge (DHCP is disabled).
The Router is another LAN/WLAN Router having DHCP enabled and is connected to WAN.
Romote Desktop can easily connect to the internet via Bridge and Router.
Local Laptop can easily connect to the internet either via WLAN of each router (Both Bridge's and Router's wireless connections work fine).
Now when I use my local Laptop with the Bridge's wireless connection I can easily remotely access the remote Desktop using TV6.
But when I try to use my local Laptop with the Router's wireless connection I cannot reach the remote Desktop at all. Instead I get the error code: WaitforConnectFailed.
I must add that each of the two different wireless connections covers a different area of the house so I cannot just pick the one which works (The Bridge's WLAN). I also need the Router's WLAN for remotely access the Remote Desktop using TV6.
Thank you for your help.
Amazing how easily I solved this problem by myself. On the remote machine I simply selected Extras --> Options --> General --> Connection in local network (via IP address) --> Incoming LAN connections --> accept.
There are two points I'd like to mention:
1. I realized I did not have this problem in the past while using TV5.
2. What really confused me in solving this problem was that the remote access was still available by using the Bridge's WLAN even before I set the above new configuration.
I really like this software which works fantastic all the time. Sorry if I made someone work hard in order to help me solving this problem. Thank you sll.
This blog post is getting a lot of great comments! I have a question that "maybe" someone can answer. Is there a way to have Team Viewer automatically minimize the remote session notification on the remote side? I'm trying to access my daughter's PC without her noticing but the remote session notification pop-up doesn't allow me to do that. Thanks in advance!
@Kevin: Thanks for your question. TeamViewer wants to be as transparent as possible for everybody involved in the session. Therefore we display during the whole session on server side a little console which indicates that there is a session going on.
There is no possibility to remove this. Therefore TeamViewer can't be used to observe or spy on other computers without notifying the partner.
Constantin Falcoianu
TeamViewer Germany
Protocol negotiation fail. Please try again!
Kind regards,
@Anonymous: Thanks for your feedback. Unfortunately this message can mean a lot of different things.
We need your logfiles in order to be able to examine the issue. You'll find them in TeamViewer under "Extras"->"Open log files...". Please send the one from host and client to our support team: http://support.teamviewer.com/index.php?group=default&_m=tickets&_a=submit&languageid=1
Constantin Falcoianu
TeamViewer Germany
I installed the trial version of teamviewer v6 here in philippines
I also tell my friend who was in Jeddah.As I remote his laptop, I transfer him a refog-keylogger installer.
it was successfully set up.
and a day after as i try to remote his pc again,
there was an error came up saying password is not correct,eventhough i inputed a correct one.
does the keylogger software does a relation to this problem?
hope u can help me pls.
I'm trying to get a access to my client PC but I get a
"partner did not connect to router"
How do I fix this issue for my client?
@Anonymous: No, there is no relation to any keylogger software. TeamViewer changes the password dynamically if you do not define a permanent one.
@Jimmy Lee: It looks like the connection to our server network doesn't work. Please check your internet connection. If everything is alright you can send us your log files in order to identify your problem.
Constantin Falcoianu
TeamViewer Germany
Am probleme cu conectarea de la calculatorul meu cu XP la un calculator cu Win 7, da eroarea: protocol negotiation failed. Daca ruleaza pe XP merge brici. In sens invers merge, de pe WIN 7 pe XP.
Ce sa fac?
Buna Maria,
trebuie sa mearga si invers, de la XP la Win 7. Daca ne trimiti fisierul de jurnal din TeamViewer (Extras->Deschide fisiere jurnal...) putem sa ne uitam ce nu merge exact la tine.
Te rog sa ne trimiti fisierul la support: http://support.teamviewer.com/index.php?group=default&_m=tickets&_a=submit&languageid=1
TeamViewer Germany
Merci de raspuns.
Am trimis fisierul cerut si astept sa vad cum rezolvam .
i just getting the error "partner did not connect to router" sometimes i can connect to the other pc also it's the same operating system for both PC can any 1 tell me the resolve of this issue i can be contact throw my e-mail:
Thanks for your co-operation
i just getting the error "partner did not connect to router" sometimes i can connect to the other pc also it's the same operating system for both PC can any 1 tell me the resolve of this issue i can be reach through my e-mail:
Thanks for your co-operation
WaitForConnectError Failed. This just started this morning. Here are my recent log files:
2011/04/12 13:06:53.609 3660 4964 S0 CloseSocketSafely(): Connection gracefully closed
2011/04/12 13:06:53.609 3660 4964 S0 CT37 CT.Run.LoopEnd
2011/04/12 13:06:53.609 3660 4964 S0 CT37 CT.Disconnect
2011/04/12 13:06:53.609 624 2656 G0!! CLoginClient::NegotiateVersionClient socket was closed while reading
2011/04/12 13:06:53.640 3660 5068 S0 CT35 CT.Run.LoopEnd
2011/04/12 13:06:53.640 3660 5068 S0 CT35 CT.Disconnect
2011/04/12 13:06:53.640 624 2656 G0 CLogin::run() leave
2011/04/12 13:07:48.687 3660 4304 S0 CT.Send.CMD_BUDDY From=423941647 To=593038743 L=63
2011/04/12 13:07:48.687 3660 4304 S0 CConnectionThread::PingRouter(): Router Ping started
2011/04/12 13:07:48.984 3660 4304 S0 CT22 CT.Receive.CMD_BUDDY From=593038743 To=423941647 L=58
2011/04/12 13:07:48.984 3660 4304 S0 CT22 CConnectionThread::CmdPingRouter(): Router Pong Received with following Hops: 423941647 593038743 262398059
2011/04/12 13:08:38.562 624 1912 G0 Trying connection to 423881902, mode = 1
2011/04/12 13:08:38.578 624 4512 G0 CLogin::run()
2011/04/12 13:08:38.812 3660 4068 S0 CT.Send.CMD_MASTERCOMMAND From=423941647 To=0 L=158
2011/04/12 13:08:39.531 3660 4068 S0 CT39 CT.Receive.CMD_MASTERRESPONSE From=0 To=423941647 L=223
2011/04/12 13:08:39.531 3660 4068 S0 CT39 CT.Disconnect
2011/04/12 13:08:39.531 3660 4068 S0 CloseSocketSafely(): Connection gracefully closed
2011/04/12 13:08:39.531 3660 4068 S0 MC.RR.423881902.CONNECT@
2011/04/12 13:08:39.531 3660 4068 S0 GWS.ConnectToRemote.CCT
2011/04/12 13:08:39.531 3660 4068 S0 CCT.TM_GWout. - CT40 - S37
2011/04/12 13:08:39.531 3660 4068 S0 CCT.Connect.
2011/04/12 13:08:39.671 3660 4068 S0 CCT.Connected
2011/04/12 13:08:39.671 3660 4068 S0 GWS.ConnectToRemote.Connected
2011/04/12 13:08:39.671 3660 4068 S0 CT40 TM.TM_GWout
2011/04/12 13:08:39.687 3660 4068 S0 CT.Send.CMD_IDENTIFY From=423941647 To=0 L=32
2011/04/12 13:08:39.687 3660 4068 S0 CT.Send.CMD_REQUESTCONNECT From=423941647 To=0 L=48
2011/04/12 13:08:39.687 3660 4068 S0 CT.Send.CMD_SESSIONMODE From=423941647 To=0 L=20
2011/04/12 13:08:39.687 3660 4068 S0 GWS.ConnectToRemote.Connected.StartThread
2011/04/12 13:08:39.687 3660 4436 S0 CT40 CT.Run
2011/04/12 13:08:39.687 3660 4436 S0 CT40 TM.TM_GWout
2011/04/12 13:08:39.687 624 4512 G0 CLoginClient::NegotiateVersionClient()
2011/04/12 13:08:39.687 3660 5476 S0 CT38 CT.Run
2011/04/12 13:08:39.687 3660 5476 S0 CT38 TM.TM_TV
2011/04/12 13:08:39.828 3660 4436 S0 CT40 CT.Receive.CMD_SESSIONID From=0 To=423941647 L=8
2011/04/12 13:08:55.937 3660 4436 S0 CT40 CT.Receive.CMD_NOPARTNERCONNECT From=0 To=423941647 L=0
2011/04/12 13:08:55.937 3660 4436 S0 CT40 CT.Receive.CMD_ENDSESSION From=0 To=423941647 L=4
2011/04/12 13:08:55.937 3660 4436 S0 CConnectionThread::CmdEndSession(): Received CMD_ENDSESSION with reason: 13
2011/04/12 13:08:55.937 3660 4436 S0 CT40 CT.Disconnect
2011/04/12 13:08:55.937 3660 4436 S0 CT.Send.CMD_DISCONNECT From=423941647 To=0 L=4
2011/04/12 13:08:55.937 3660 4304 S0 CT.Send.CMD_BUDDY From=423941647 To=593038743 L=288
2011/04/12 13:08:55.937 3660 4304 S0 CConnectionThread::SendCmdsInSendQueue: Sent Command: CMD_BUDDY
2011/04/12 13:08:55.937 3660 4436 S0 CloseSocketSafely(): Connection gracefully closed
2011/04/12 13:08:55.937 3660 4436 S0 CT40 CT.Run.LoopEnd
2011/04/12 13:08:55.937 3660 4436 S0 CT40 CT.Disconnect
2011/04/12 13:08:55.937 624 4512 G0!! CLoginClient::NegotiateVersionClient socket was closed while reading
2011/04/12 13:08:55.968 624 4512 G0 CLogin::run() leave
2011/04/12 13:08:56.000 3660 5476 S0 CT38 CT.Run.LoopEnd
2011/04/12 13:08:56.000 3660 5476 S0 CT38 CT.Disconnect
@My Education Discount:
Please forward your logfiles as .txt file attached to an email with a short description on how exactly the problem occurred (e.g. if you did any changes to your system before).
Here you can submit your logfile to our support team: http://support.teamviewer.com/index.php?group=default&_m=tickets&_a=submit&languageid=2
Constantin Falcoianu
hi am ann,,am very curious about this thing teamviewer,,my partner wished to access my pc,,so if we used teamviewrqs,,is il let him access like giving my password and id,,is it possible that he will see all things i do in my pc?like if am watching some on youtube,he can see it too in his screen?lile i watch some movie,,foes my screen appears to his screen that am watching movies in youtube?
plsss im very curious to know this things,,,pls email me at muffin_hazel@yahoo.com
am looking forward to know the answer,,,
plssssssssss tell me about it,,,,,,
your partner can see your desktop and can also remote control your PC as if he was sitting right in front of it. If you are watching a movie on youtube for example, your partner can also see the website. However it depends on your internet connection how fluent the movie will be streamed to your partner.
Inga, TeamViewer Germany
Hi Constantine,
I am using TV6 on Win7 (64bit) and my office PC is TV6 on XP SP3. I have successfully installed and managed to access it.
However, today (Sunday) I tried to access it again, it keeps showing "Protocol Negotiation Failed. Please Try Again"
I have updated with the latest TV6 but the problem still persists. The last time it happened, I had to reboot from Win XP and after that I can access it again.
Is there a permanent fix ?
Many thanks
Hi Ben,
Thank you for your comment. Could you please send us your logfiles from both machines + the text of your comment to support@teamviewer.com? We would be glad to check this for you!
Best regards
TeamViewer Germany
I also had the "Secured session activated.All data traffic is encrypted" message after which the remote control window was not appearing and nothing was happening.
I stopped and restarted the Teamviewer service on the host computer (right click on Computer -> Manage ->Services), now it works.
Im running teamviewer on both computers fine, and its worked perfectly for the past months but now when i click connect (both computers are in the same house, so TV is definitely running) it says Authenticating.... then says Authentication rejected, help?
Hi Manfred,
I guess quite a few have posted issues similar to this one with TV.
Using: TV 6.0.10722
1. login screen indicated target site the online.
2. When I selected 'Connect to partner', the message came up saying 'Secure session activated', but no display of target site.
1. re-staring TV service on host
2. re-starting host system
IS there a resolution to this issue?
I get the same problem as Soumiks faces with TV6. It seems to be a bug What I do to solve this is remotely accessing using Partner List. If it still doesn't get in, I repeat the access process. Once connected I check the connections on the remote machine (it's hard but possible to see them next to the remote machine Start button). If I see a double connection I right-click the upper connection seen and disconnect.
I have a machine set up that plays movies all day, but there is no monitor near the machine, its run to a TV in another room. I use my laptop to remote log in and change the movie that is running, but when I disconnect Team Viewer pops up on the remote machine. I know you said that Team Viewer cannot hide the fact that you are connected "you cannot spy" etc but is there not a way to have it auto minimize / not pop up on disconnect? I now have to constantly go to the other room and try and blindly minimize Team Viewer.
I have an interesting problem when using TV on KDE (CentOS 5.6) with the screensaver active, requiring a password. I get in remotely to the password screen, but my keystrokes are ignored. All I can do is click on the two buttons.
If however there is no password on the screen saver then it works as expected.
I used TV for the first time last night during the database production run. All worked well I was happy with all. The only issue I had (I have googled for some help) was around connecting to the server. If that pc screen was locked then I couldn't get TV access working. If a user then unlokced the screen I could start the VT session. Any advice to links to websites are most welcomed.
Just a warning not to go to that ammyy.com website that George posted, as this is known spyware. Stick with TeamViewer, which is great.
Hi everybody.
I have strange thing using Team Viewer. I have my Ubuntu PC and Windows XP Pro virtual machine inside it. When I try to write characters in Windows Virtual Machine such /,.+=\][ and so on nothing happens. Can't write them at all. Letters and numbers are fine.
In Ubuntu all characters work fine.
I am also getting the protocol negotiation failed error. Is there a reason why? I used TV alot and have not had any problems. Now I am receiving this error. I did recently remove a trojan from the system I am trying to connect "FROM". Is it possible that some crucial files may have been deleted thereby causing a problem with TV?
I am trying to access a PC and it says "secured session activated. All data traffic is encrypted."
But the password box does not open and the session window never appears.
I have tried to access a different PC and it works fine, so it seems like the problem is on the other end.
I am going to try to transfer big size of file, like 700 MB from overseas using teamviewer. Could you please let me know, is it possible to do this in one go, or I should break the file to some files of smaller size? What is the maximum file size for the file transfer? Thank's
This is an excellent software and works well. However, I am having a problem connecting to Remote Desktop. The connection is made when I transfer files and am able to transfer files but when I try to connect the computer the remote screen does not appear. If I tried again it says it aleady connected yet a screen is displayed.
We hava a licence for team viewer 5
but when I connect to a MAC OS X 7.2 I get a black screen the user can see my mouse moving around but I see nothing
Love TV; however, one issue plagues us here at home: I am running Vista and the remote PC is running XP. The remote PC freezes every single time I connect to it. I must then walk over to the PC and restart it by cold booting. I have other PCs here in the home running Vista, W7, even one running W2k none of them seem to have this issue. I have upgraded all PCs to the latest TV software and applied all MS updates, so I'm not sure why this is happening. I'm Googling constantly to find a solution to this. Please HELP! Thanks!
Hi Belly Dance Site Seeker,
can you please send your TeamViewer logfiles and a short description of the problem to support@teamviewer.com? Our support team will try to solve it.
Best regards
Inga, TeamViewer
Hi, I’m still curious about this software (team viewer) does it mean that even I didn’t activate or run my Teamviewer the other computer (the server or the one I connect with ) with Teamviewer can still access mine or view my desktop?
Thanks a a lot.
heres my email add.. storage_pain@yahoo.com
I am here to add my demand for teamviewer on Blackberry - especially Playbook QNX OS which is the new BB10 OS to come.
I've just started testing TeamViewer with a friend of mine. Sometimes she's able to connect but much of the time it says "Authentication Failed". I know her well enough to know that the she's entering the correct password each time.
This problem seems to happen with the "permanent password" more often than the temporary one.
Might anyone have any insight into why this problem occurs, though not consistently?
I have been using this software for a while & love it so much I had to make a donation.
To the above poster, perhaps there is a problem with the bandwidth - sometimes I get the same problem logging into a computer that is downloading at max speed.
Perhaps also ensure any previous sessions are closed.
Also their android app is very very handy!!
My friend having data card with 1gb free usage.i have unlimited package.if i will transfer the video or mp3 songs or files to my friend,they will detect any usage charges???if any give me the details.and also i want to know whose usage will be detect???
I don't found teamviewer so helpful for the the new version of the same thing and after that he cannot be able to do things and after some efforts he was there..
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Sometimes I get an error message saying:
'Your Partner's desk top is no longer available.
Probably you used a programme that requires additional permissions. Please wait until your partner has granted permissions.'
Any idea what I would need to do to fix this?
'A connection could not be established. Either your partner isn't connected to the internet or your partner's TeamViewer isn't running yet. Please tell your partner to check his/her internet connection or to start TeamViewer.'
Thru managed file transfer allows companies to securely send and store files of any size in the cloud.
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Hi, Just found out about this TV program and I like it so far. I'm new to it, I'm using it with my GF. We are suing version 8. My question is, if I remotely control her PC, is that means that she can't do anything, only me?
In addition to hosted solutions from Teamviewer, you may want to consider a RHUB remote support server. It works well.
Pretty annoying problem with the authentication.I am using TV from my laptop to access my home computer to read and send email, as I have Thunderbird as an email client and do not want to store emails on my laptop. When it works, it is great, like sitting in front of my home computer. IF! Without making any changes of password, etc. I frequently get the message "Authentification failed", despite the fact that all data are correct, as after 10-20 attempts it finally connects and I can see the screen. This is definitely a bug.
I went so far to install AMMY, another remote control software, and AMMY is connecting in split seconds. I would definitely prefer AMMY and use it instead of TV, but it has a monthly time limit and the screen is not as nicely adjustable as TV.
BUT I can see, what is happening on the remote controlled computer with TV. I push "Connect" and it takes about 15-30 seconds before the remote TV shows "incoming connection." And then comes "Authentication failed"..... 10-20 times, before it finally accepts me. Weird and annoying. I hate TV for this, but I need it and WHEN it finally connects, it is rock-stable.
Hi, me and my girlfriend just started using this program it works great but I have an issue. I can't turn her camera on. In her video slot it's all grayed out. I can't click anything. I've tried looking for workarounds but I can't find any. The reason this is an issue is because sometimes watch tv together and I stay up longer than her so I keep an eye on her until she is asleep then I shut down all her connections so it doesn't drive her internet bill up. The issue is that teamviewer times out or loses the connection and she can't always get up to turn the camera back on. Is there any way for me to fix this?
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